Passing The Torch…

This is a post about an ending, but also an exciting new beginning so let’s not dwell on the former. John and I just wanted to take a moment to say farewell to all of our readers from the past few years. Thank you so much for all of your support and sharing your own travel experiences with us. It has been wonderful getting to know everyone in the travel community. We are, of course, not saying goodbye to travel forever – it remains one of our passions and we will get back to it. But for the last year or so we’ve felt like quite the un-inspiring travellers – life has been quite busy with work and family commitments and we haven’t been able to get away as much as we would like. In September we had to cancel a three week trip through Utah and California that we’d hoped to share here, pretty much our last chance to travel just the two of us. It felt like it was time for a change and to inject new life into this blog.

Passing the torch ...

Photo credit: Alan Light

So I’m excited to introduce to you today the new owner and editor of, Geert Leysen. Hailing from the land of delicious beer, Belgium, Geert is an engineer come online marketing specialist, musician and traveller with a love for photography. In short, an excellent fit for this blog.

Geert has been travelling for more then 15 years and started travelling after he graduated, residing in California for three months as an exchange student.Then bitten by the travel bug, he made his way to Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brasil, Bolivia, Tanzania, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Europe, New Zealand and Laos among others. And he has many more adventures to come which he’ll be sharing with you on this site.

So please give Geert the warm welcome you’ve all given us and enjoy the new stories and fresh perspective he’ll bring to this website. John and I hope to guest post in the future when we get back to more frequent travels. Until then, wishing everyone out there all the best with your current and future travels. We’ll miss you and the blog!

Thank you for working with Straigh To The Point.
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