The Rocket Languages Series
Rocket Languages is one of the leaders in downloadable language-learning products. Formed in 2004, Rocket Languages offers courses in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic and American Sign Language.
By placing a strong and immediate emphasis on conversational learning, these dynamic learning courses have you speaking the language in a modern, fun, and conversational manner right from the start.
The product packages are comprehensive language courses in themselves. Based around the Rocket Languages Learning Lounge, they offer a suite of language learning tools, including; MP3 Interactive Audio Lessons you can play anywhere, Software-based Learning Games for vocabulary, verbs, and pronunciation, and a range of fully illustrated Language & Culture Lessons with embedded audio that you can listen to time and time again.
All of the Audio Lessons are available in MP3 format, and the online Learners Forums are effectively “open” for business 24 hours a day.
Click Here to learn Spanish today!
Click Here to learn French today!
Click Here to learn Italian today!
Click Here to learn Chinese today!
Click Here to learn German today!
Click Here to learn Japanese today!
Click Here to learn Arabic today!
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