Now Accepting Guest Posts

When starting to build our traffic to this blog, several wonderful established bloggers allowed us to write for them. We’re now in a position to allow guest posts on this blog so please consider this post your official invitation to send your interesting and inspiring travel stories our way.

In order to help you, I’ve drafted a set of guidelines for guest posts on Inspiring Travellers. This page also lets you know a little more about the type of content we’re looking for. Please read it carefully before submission. If you have a question about something that isn’t mentioned, please feel free to email us and ask.

Companies/SEO practitioners/Marketers/etc. – This is mentioned in the guidelines, but here it is again: guest posts are open to travel writers and bloggers who are not being paid to represent or write for a company or business interest aside from their own personal travel blogs or content-driven websites. Please do not send guest post requests under the guise of being this type of contributor. It wastes everyone’s time. If you are interested in advertising on, please review our dedicated advertising page and contact the sales address for a rate schedule.

Thank you in advance to all our fantastic contributors and we hope to hear from plenty of both new and established voices in this niche!

Thank you for working with Straigh To The Point.