Roadside BBQ: Jerry Mikeska’s, Columbus, TX

On the way to Austin from Houston we wanted to stop somewhere authentic for lunch. Bar-B-Q always sounds good so a roadhouse just before we left I-10 beckoned.

mikeska's BBQ

One half BBQ joint, one half monument to taxidermy, Jerry Mikeska’s Bar-B-Q is just one outpost belonging to a member of “Texas’ First Family of Barbecue.” The children of a Czech immigrant have been serving up specialty BBQ since the 1960’s, each with their own style.

barbecue brothers clipping

jerry mikeska's taxidermy


We indulged in tender, succulent pork ribs, sausage and boiled potatoes. The sauce was delicious and we enjoyed the atmosphere of locals filtering in and out.

BBQ jerry mikeska's

Jerry Mikeska himself was circulating around the room as we prepared to leave, handing out little trinkets to customers and shaking people’s hands. He gave us a couple of business cards and thanked us for coming in.

jerry mikeska business cards

Tummies full, we enjoyed the rest of the drive to Austin, with the seasonal bluebonnets guiding our way

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