eBooks for your Adventures
Our list of top travel and location independent resources, including links to many FREE titles. Have a browse! Clicking through will take you to the sale page for each eBook, where you can find out more information and decide whether or not to purchase.
Travel, Technical and Photography

by Stephanie Lee
Do you want to feed the pigeons in Rome, hike in the Himalayas, brunch on the Sydney waterfront, party all night in Bangkok and then move on to Buenos Aires? Don’t let being single stop you from exploring the world. This guide will answer your practical questions, relieve you of your fears, and get you out the door, enjoying the world in all its fullness. Buy this book and start your planning now. If you’re adventurous, independent and curious about the world it’s going to be great. And if you’re interested in traveling abroad but don’t know if you can, this book will help you decide.

How to Make Money With Your Travel Blog US$49 US$27
by Matt Kepnes (Nomadic Matt)
Learn from one of the most established travel bloggers, a person who actually makes significant money from his travel blog. Kepnes helps you choose your niche and gain readership, traffic and a loyal following. The book includes SEO tips, planning advice and secrets from one of the most successful travel bloggers out there.

The Art of Couple’s Travel US$9.99 by Craig and Linda Martin of the popular Indie Travel Podcast
Travel as a couple is certainly an art and this guide is packed with helpful tips and advice for planning and living your dream lifestyle. There are sure to be aspects of your trip together as a couple that you haven’t thought of, from public displays of affection to dealing with changing attitudes. Whether you’re a new couple or one that has been together for ages, you’re bound to learn something new with this book. The authors are successful long-term travellers and the perfect pair to take advice from.
Backpacking Tips for Southeast Asia FREE by FlipNomad
Check out the free tips in this great guide, including how to save money for your trip, what to bring, getting there, finding cheap and free accommodation, working, health, safety and food.
Getting Out of Auto US 9.99 by Bethany Salvon, photographer and blogger at Beers and Beans
Geared towards the relative beginner to a DSLR camera, as well as those who want to get the most out of their point-and-shoot consumer brand cameras, this book has simple explanations for everything important you need to know. You can break free from the auto settings on your camera and truly get to know how to get the most out of your camera.
How to Save Money By Booking Your Travel Online FREE by Chris Christensen of the blog, Amateur Traveler
This is a beginner to intermediate guide on how to use different online travel sites to book your travel. The eBook covers strategy for finding low prices as well as tools to help you determine where and when to go.
How to Take Great Travel Photos with a Point and Shoot Camera US$14.99 by Brendan van Son of Brendan’s Adventures
You can take great travel photos with your point and click camera, it’s just a matter of learning a couple of tricks of the trade. This book is put together in a simple way to steer you towards not only good travel pictures, but amazing ones. After reading this book you will begin taking pictures that you won’t be ashamed to show to your friends and family when you get home.
How To Teach English Overseas US$19 by Matt Kepnes (Nomadic Matt)
Save time and get your dream teaching job overseas with this comprehensive guide to certification, job types, opportunities, money and contract issues – everything you need to know to become an English teacher, find your perfect location and secure a job as an English teacher in the location you want.
Living an Empowered Life Through Travel: 20 Life Lessons Travel Taught Me FREE by Caz Makepeace of the immensely popular YTravel Blog
Learn how travel can empower you to grow and evolve as a person. Learn about the natural laws and principles that can make your life more fulfilling. Caz has travelled for over ten years and to 35 countries – learn a little of what she knows about life and living.
The Pre-Travel Guide US$9.95 by Sofia von Porat and Nathan Schacherer of the top travel blog, As We Travel
This 100+ page guide provides step-by-step advice so you can prepare every area of your next trip with stress-free confidence and without worrying that you missed any important details. This book gives you the INSIDER TIPS – it’s about cutting the fat, and giving you exactly what you NEED to know.
South America Highlights FREE by Simon Fairbairn and Erin McNeaney of the Never Ending Voyage travel blog
A beautiful book that will inspire and help you plan your trip to South America with photos, recommendations, travel costs and tips. Featuring 28 destinations, the book also covers transportation, language, safety and food advice.
Southeast Asia Savings Guide US$29.99 A comprehensive guide to saving money in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos, including a packing list and tips you won’t find anywhere else.
Travel Safety: Safety Tips for Personal and Corporate Travellers US$12.99 by Craig Bidois with Craig Martin (of Indie Travel Podcast)
Travellers today face many potential threats, from natural disasters to sickness to muggings. Travel Safety helps get you ready for travel with advice from a safety consultant and seasoned traveller.
Web Foundations For the Non-Geek US$18 (special price of $14 until 30 Nov 2012) by Andrew Couch of Grounded Traveler
It’s so easy to set up your own blog these days, however, most people begin the travel blogging journey with little knowledge of the web and how the internet functions. In this book, an experienced web programmer and blogger teaches you how to diagnose problems with your site, fix simple issues, work with designers and understand everything you need to know to run a successful website. He writes in easy to understand language and covers topics like source code, CSS, images and HTML basics.
Women On the Road – The Essential Guide For Baby Boomer Travel by Leyla Giray :: $US 12.99
If you’ve but off overseas travel until later in life, this book will answer all your questions. From planning to packing, and budgeting to bargaining, it’s all here. Take the trip you’ve always dreamed of.
Lifestyle Design
The Simple Guide to a Minimalist Life US$9.95 by Leo Babauta
Learn about clearing clutter and reducing your possessions, figuring out what’s necessary and how to be content with less, simplifying your schedule, your work, and living a less stressful life, creating a minimalist workspace, home, computer, financial life, diet and fitness program, and how to go paperless and digitize your life.
Learn a Foreign Language
The Everyday Language Learner’s Guide to Getting Started (First-Class Edition) US$20 by Aaron Myers of Everyday Language Learner
The journey to language learning can be challenging but this guide is your ticket. You’ll learn how people can naturally learn languages, change your way of thinking and give you the tools to make the most of your language learning opportunities. If the books and classes aren’t working, get this guide today.
The Guide to Self-Assessment US$8 by Aaron Myers of Everyday Language Learner
Evaluate your language learning journey and improve your progress. Learn now to measure progress, set goals and learn more with this helpful guide.
The Rocket Languages Series Rocket Languages is one of the leaders in downloadable language-learning products. Formed in 2004, Rocket Languages offers courses in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic and American Sign Language.
Sustaining FREE by Aaron Myers of Everyday Language LearnerThis guide helps language learners think about how to create, maintain and protect their motivation, commitment and attitude toward language learning.
Can’t find what you’re looking for?
***Please note that all of the links on this page (excluding links to free eBooks) are affiliate links. Inspiring Travellers receives a commission for referring you to these products.***
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